Chesapeake Virginia Things to Do

Chesapeake Virginia has lots to offer, See why families are moving here!

Chesapeake Virginia Map Houses

Chesapeake Virginia

It doesn’t matter if you’re a first time buyer looking to purchase property, or if you’re looking for a place where you can settle down and enjoy your retirement, if you like the outdoors, you’re going to want to carefully consider the many perks associated with life in Chesapeake.

Catch Your Own Chesapeake Dinner

Chesapeake has lots of water, which means ample fishing holes. If you wanted, you could catch fresh and saltwater fish every day of the year. When you don’t feel like fish, you could grab a turkey leg and indulge in some crabbing.

When moving to a home in Chesapeake with a decent sized yard, you can plant a garden and enjoy your own vegetables during the summer.

You’ll find getting your own dinner to be lots of fun and very relaxing.

Don’t forget that in addition to dropping a line off the side of a pier or taking your canoe out, you can also choose to try some charter fishing. Chesapeake charter trips provide you with a great opportunity to catch fish that don’t come close to shore and to meet fellow fishing enthusiast.

Visit Historic Chesapeake Sites

Chesapeake Virginia was a very important site during the American Revolution and many key battles took place, it was also one of the very first areas Europeans settled. The history is very long and very interesting. It’s also been well preserved. In addition to touring various historical sites, you will also find a wide variety of reenactments taking place during the summer months. Visiting the historical sites gives you a chance to reconnect to your roots, and to meet fascinating historians and archeologist.

Chesapeake Bird Watching

There’s nothing quite like getting up early in the morning, grabbing your favorite pair of sneakers and binoculars and heading out to do a little bird watching. While there are several parks and trails where you can see birds, you’ll also have a great time in your own backyard. The number of different species you’ll spot will astound you. In addition to your binoculars, you should grab your camera.

Chesapeake Golf

If wildlife isn’t really your thing, that’s okay. You can always go golfing. Chesapeake is home to several high quality golf courses that always provide a good game. No matter how skilled you are, you’ll find a course that’s a perfect match for you. The area has everything from miniature courses to courses that offer pro level games.

Chesapeake Kayaking

Intricate Chesapeake waterways working through the area make it a great place for kayakers. You can spend the entire summer your kayak and you still won’t have seen everything there is to see. In addition to floating along rivers and creek beds, you will also be able to give ocean kayaking a try.

The great thing about choosing to purchase a home in Chesapeake will be that you’ve put yourself in a prime location. The area is quiet and peaceful, but located close enough to larger cities that you’ll never feel like you’re missing out on something important.







This amazing realtor gets inside your head and figures out what you want even better than you can, then he finds it for you! He is a master negotiator. Not only is Don an amazingly effective realtor, he is also an outstanding man of integrity and a true friend. Not only will Don show you a home, he will also show you a community and help you to get to know and enjoy it.

~ Carol, Virginia Beach

The postings on this Real Estate site are made by Don Maclary - Realtor and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Howard Hanna William E. Wood.