Inventory Shortage of Virginia Beach Homes for Sale

Supply and Demand of homes in the Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake is slowly bringing prices up.

Many potential home sellers are failing to realize that now is a great time to put a home on the market. Because the supply is down it creates a demand for homes that needs to be filled. Sitting back and waiting until the news media starts talking about the supply going up is like shooting yourself in the foot.

When the Supply of Homes goes up it becomes harder to get yours sold……….. Who has Granite & Stainless in the kitchen, New Windows, Hardwood Floors etc.

When inventory is low buyer’s are willing to do these upgrades themselves – When inventory is high buyer’s become picky and you need to be in the front of the line with extras.Homes for sale Virginia Beach, Norfolk & Chesapeake

Now is the time to put your home on the market and sell it without dumping money into sprucing it up.


By Don Maclary


When you are about to make the biggest decision you may ever make financially, buying a home, you want the best of the best, a person you can trust and will guide you through the process. Don Maclary is your guy for the job!
~ John, Real Estate Pro

About Don Maclary
The postings on this Real Estate site are made by Don Maclary - Realtor and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Howard Hanna William E. Wood.