Where To Watch The Super Bowl?

Sports bars can be fun but the best place to watch the Super Bowl is in your own den with a group of your friends and some favorite dishes.Party Side By Side

Today people are making good money and throwing it away in public places. Investors are capitalizing on the 20 -40 age group promoting spending of hard earned money on rent, fast food and dumping the rest hanging out in public places.

Stop buying high priced entertainment and paying someone else’s Mortgage, invest in your future.

With today’s interest rates apples to apples it is cheaper to own then rent.

There are first time home buyer programs available that require little or even no money down.

This post was inspired by the many Facebook posts made by clients who recently purchased a home and are proud to be hosting their friends for a Super Bowl Party this year.

As you sit down to write your rent check that your landlord will be investing in his or her retirement fund. Consider making an appointment with someone from the Choose A Home Team  to discuss your options to purchase a place to call home!

We would be more then happy to help you with a game plan.

Free Home Buyer Class Offered By The Choose A Home Team. (Sign Up)


Don always works hard to get the best deal for his clients, from the $1,000,000 + transaction to the first time home buyer. He is dedicated to serving their interests and ensuring the process is smooth for them.
~ Ryan, Real Estate Pro

About Don Maclary
The postings on this Real Estate site are made by Don Maclary - Realtor and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Howard Hanna William E. Wood.